Based close to the National Archives in London, I work as a professional genealogist in the United Kingdom. I offer genealogical research of the highest standard to clients whose ancestors lived in the United Kingdom, including international clients. With many years of relevant research experience and a PhD in History from Cambridge, I have conducted research concerning an enormous variety of genealogical and historical topics in archives and libraries across the United Kingdom and in the United States. I am therefore well placed to solve problems in British genealogy through meticulous documentary research. I also give talks about genealogy as well as writing articles and other publications about various related subjects. On this website, you can read about me and what I can offer.

Talk Recordings

I presented two webinars at RootsTech 2024, one about ancestors in London and another on Anglican ancestors. Follow these links to watch recordings of the webinars:

Metropolitan Ancestors: Finding Families in Georgian and Victorian London

Beyond Parish Registers: Tracing your Anglican Ancestors in England

In 2023, I contributed a video talk to the 'All About That Place' event, organised to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Society for One-Place Studies. I discussed an 1841 tithe map of a village in Surrey. You can watch this video here:

A Surrey Village in 1841: Filling the Gaps